Journalists are simple beings. What we want is not rocket science. We want a strong story, with a good angle, that is relevant for our audience. Here are my tops tips to ensure you are ticking all the right boxes when it comes to nailing your story.
1) A strong, eye-catching, new story which is relevant to our audience
2) Keep it simple. A hard-hitting headline and a one sentence summary of the story is all it takes to grab our attention.
3) Killer quotes make us love you. If we see a well thought out, relevant quote that is boosting the story, not back-slapping a great product or high-fiving a research collaboration, it makes our lives SO much easier. And we will love you for it.
4) UK relevance. We work in the UK. Give us quotes from UK experts. Give us UK facts and figures. Give us UK firsts. Give us figures in pounds.
5) Let’s twist again. Journalists love something a bit unusual or quirky. It can set a story apart and make it far more interesting.
6) Someone on the end of the phone. All PRs are desperate to understand how to get a journalist on the phone. Yet I can’t tell you the number of press releases I have been sent over the years that have a “Contact Sam Smith on 0207 XXXXXXX” only for me to like the story, ring, and Sam Smith is on holiday or in a meeting or at a conference and is not contactable. Actually I can. It’s literally hundreds. If your name is on the press release – be there! Nothing is more annoying for a journalist than to need more information and someone not be there to get it.